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Treasure, Respect and Nurture Your Spiritual Nature

Spirituality is the ephemeral wrapping that holds everything together — so evanescent, and yet so tightly clinging that we can barely distinguish where it ends and where we begin. Light passes through, but only those who open their eyes and let it penetrate can see what’s really there — and know that, more than simply clinging tightly, the spiritual universe is part of us all and we are part of it; that we are truly one.

With this knowledge comes the key that opens the door to beauty, mystery, inspiration, and an actual physical sense of being part of the spiritual whole. Of course, we must pick up the key and use it. Too often, we look at it with both longing and fear, hesitant to unlock the door and peek around the corner; wanting the treasures but afraid of the risks. Content with the knowledge that it is there, we say, “Someday.” We say, “Maybe” — but no, not today, and no promises.

Unfortunately, many others go about their lives totally ignorant of the spirit’s presence or its force. Or, if they choose to acknowledge a spiritual power, they do so passively, often as victim: “Why did God do this to me?” “The world is a cold, cruel place.” “Why can’t I get a break?” “I never have any luck.” To these people, the realm of the spirit is mysterious, perhaps mythical. It is separate and apart from their own world, which is a universe of indifference at best and cruel intention at worst. They are merely pawns, at the mercy of unknown and unseen forces. Their lives are spent hiding from imaginary evils or running from real demons of their own creation.

I am a spiritual person, but not what most would call religious. I do not follow one strict dogma, nor do I worship within the confines of bricks and mortar. However, I firmly believe in the power and glory of forces that I do not understand. I believe in a God that was forever before and will be forever after. I believe that the energy called “Michael” will continue after my flesh is dust. I believe that I will again share conscious space and energy with my mother, my father, my sister, my brother and all who have left this physical world. I believe there is a price to be paid for deliberately continuing to act in ways that hurt others — a consequence that transcends physical boundaries. I am influenced and buoyed by these beliefs, and I carry them not just for comfort and protection but also because of a sincere commitment to their independent existence.


Discovering Your Passion…Clearing the Jungle

Of course, you know what’s good for you.  You’ve always known. 

The problem is that a lifetime of listening to others, quieting your inner voice,  tempering desire with compliance and compromise, and applying a  thin, comforting,  façade of “Someday” have buried your passion under a confusing jungle of noise, shadows and distortion. 

Be Very Quiet & Listen…

Michael Hayes Samuelson

My ears accept your words but that’s where they seem to remain

The vibrations are clear and, yet, distant — yes, there is logic and the gift is truly appreciated

However, a persistent mute tugs at my sleeve and distracts me from the moment

Be still, I say, there are others talking and you must be quiet & listen!

I pay attention; I really do, however, I only catch a spark and then it’s gone

What did you say?  I heard you speak but I can’t seem to follow

A muffled breeze tugs at my sleeve and distracts me from the moment

Be still, I implore, let those who know — speak their truth — you must be quiet & listen!

I nod my head, follow directions, and give thanks for such strong support

Often the direction takes me to a place where I feel safe but somehow not secure

An echo of a whisper tugs at my sleeve and distracts me from the moment

Be still, I shout, who are you to contradict — you must be quiet & listen!

The companion voice wishes to speak but is smothered by noise from the street and

Daunted by scolding doubts from within


Years, reflections, and nurturing wisdom bring clarity to the voices

I listen with all my senses and pay close attention to the whispers — particularly those of

A used-to-be-mute that tugs at my sleeve and distracts me from the moment

Speak up, I say, and I will be quiet and I will listen!

I pay attention as I strain to hear the pleas and questions hidden among the words

What did you say?  Sometimes, my ability to understand remains impaired by the noise of emotion

The goddess tugs at my sleeve bringing both a cleansing breeze and a basket of dreams

Speak up, I implore, and reveal the truth — I will be quiet and I will listen!

I nod my head, follow directions, and give thanks for such strong support

Often the direction takes me to a place where I may not always feel safe but I do feel secure

A clear voice tugs at my sleeve and protects me from distractions

Speak up, I shout, keep me aware of contradictions — I will be quiet and I will listen!

The companion voice speaks freely high above the noise of the street and is

Encouraged by a growing confidence that glows from within